
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This has nothing to do with sewing!

Ok, I'm getting keira's room ready! Her bedding is picked and her bed is all set up! Dresser is full of her clothes and everything! Now it's time to paint. Our whole house was painted from floor to ceiling in the same color. Boring! I want to do white trim maybe with a pink wall or ANYTHING fun and cute! I need ideas and help! Her bed has 4 posts that would be cute to do some sort of canopy for it or something. Her room is also really REALLY small so there isn't a whole lot of room to do much. With such a big looking bed in there now, her walls seem to look really bare.

This is the bedding we chose

Friday, June 17, 2011

Last night's creations

Zippered pouch with clear window for Baby needs

          My daughter is to the age now where she doesn't NEED me to carry her huge diaper bag around with me everywhere I go. If I'm gone for the day shopping (both of our favorite things to do) I can just throw this in my purse with a diaper and go. I made this without a pattern, but had an idea of what I wanted it to look like. I like it! :) Pretty simple and so functional. It can hold hair ties, nail clippers, bandaids, teething gel... etc. :)

4th of July Shirt
I like this shirt, but It feels kinda boring. Should I add a bow? Don't look too closely at the stitching! :)

Or a bow with streamers?

I have to remember she will have a bow in her hair too. ????

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Icecream Applique Overalls

Something SWEET for my little sweetie!

          Let me just say.... If you know me, you know I have a thing for overalls. :) I don't know why, I just love them! I saw someone make these and sell them on etsy. The woman is so nice and sweet and is charging a sweet price for these overalls. She even told me what fabric she used! I just can't afford them myself, and I hate the feeling of paying someone else to do something I can do myself. I drew the applique templates out by hand and traced them onto fabric. I then placed and heat n bonded them on. The most time consuming thing I did was stitch them all down. I don't have an embroidery machine and I think If I did, it would take all the fun out of applique for me! Yes things would look a lot crisper, but I love looking at the finished product and seeing my little tiny flaws and remembering how hard it was to make. It makes me feel good. My new favorite thing is applique lately. I love it! Making ruffles...... Not so favorite.  I again make those the old fashioned way and seem to always break the thread over and over again. This time around I had one of those hair pulling experiences. I also made my first peasant top for this outfit! I forgot to take pictures. It was easy and looks cute! I added a ruffle to the bottom of that too. sigh. :) I love the way they look, I endure the pain! :) Anyway, thanks for reading! Have a happy day!